Copying an Article and make it into a video= copyright?

So I've been doing fact videos and stealing the ideas and doing a voiceover word for word from an Article site. Is that copyright? How can I avoid it?
Yes doing a word for word voiceover from an article site is a copyright infringement (not a "copyright"), unless you have obtained the site owner's permission to use the material. The way to avoid an infringement claim is to write to the site and get permission to use the article as broadcast material.
Even though it's total plagiarization and scummy it's what people already do in massive amounts IE the Matthew Santoro scandal from some months ago. His videos are still up but now he has to credit all his sources in his videos (and uses 3-4 per "top list" video). Whatever you do it's unlikely that it's original so no one can fault you for copying some, but word for word is never a good idea if you expect to get anywhere. You either want to be a face on YouTube or a Parrot. So you decide what matters.