Controversial videos?

Ellen Rae

I've Got It
Okay! So I've had this idea for a video for a few months now.

I've thought of the title and content and all of that, but if I post it, I know it'll be highly controversial, and I was wanting some advice on how to handle it if I do end up making it.


Okay, so the video would be titled "Why God Hates Homosexuality"
(which I realize will probably make people thumbs down the video before it even starts)
It's not about homosexuality being right or wrong, in fact, it's not really about homosexuality at all. (Nor is it about God "hating homosexuals" because that's just ridiculous) It would be a video aimed at Christians, (which I am) and those who have been told that they'll go to hell for being gay and all that (which obviously is not my viewpoint at all). Its message is about love and having a personal relationship with God and I'm not a preacher, but I would preachhhhh. Like all that judge not and love thy neighbor. It would be a video about how homosexuality isn't what's wrong, people letting homosexuality getting in the way of other people's spiritual journeys(relationship with God) is. (BOOM)

I know not everyone is religious/spiritual, but I am, and I want my videos to reflect that part of me. The video would not be forcing my religion on anyone, or bash anyone who does not share my beliefs, or condemn anyone for believing differently/not having any belief. It would be a completely positive, love and respect everyone video. I want to make it because I know a lot of people who don't want to come to church because they feel like they'll be judged, or who believe in God, but feel like he will never love them because of their sexual orientation. The point of the video would be to break down those thought processes, and to encourage a positive environment for people feeling that way, to know that they are loved. I also hope it will encourage fellow Christians to be more accepting and less judgmental of those around them, and hopefully open discussion between groups, and place responsibility on church people to love as they are loved, and to encourage them to love as Jesus did.
(My pastor has been getting super serious lately and he's been so on point about how Christians are also responsible for how so many people feel about Christians. It's really moved me and made me feel all I GOTTA SHARE THIS YO" like I feel like it's an important message to get out there.)

I know there will be criticism about the video, from the westboro baptist type Christians, and from Christian-hating people and all of that. But I'm hoping the video will make at least one person, who feels separated from God, feel closer as a result. I know a lot of people aren't going to get this, or agree, and that's fine. But I really feel led to make this video.

I might end up not making it, (as I'm still in high school and living with my parents who more than likely would not approve), and because I'm kind of afraid of the backlash it'll get. I've also been a leader in the youth at my church and I'd be afraid of jeopardizing that, but if God's in the idea, it'll stick with me. I'm also trying to make it as a musician, and I realize this could influence public opinion, and it could make people less likely to listen to my music. (or more likely, depending on their stance)

(I don't think anyone will, but please don't take this idea, I'm sure other people have probably made something like this before anyway, but this is the first I've said anything about it.)

sorry if this didn't make much sense, or seems confusing.
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If you are worried about backlash, don't make a controversial video. If you want to do something that might cause controversy you have to be able to deal with anything that will get thrown your way. You also have to remember that this video could be brought up in years time and still be having people send you hate over it then.

Personally I would do it because I'm as arrogant as anyone could be and I've lived my whole life in a confrontational setting. I'm most at home in a fight or in the middle of an argument. Most people aren't used to that though and I have seen it so many times on youtube. I have seen youtuber after youtuber upload something and then regret it but by that point it's too late. Most of these youtubers then went on to stopping YouTube because they couldn't deal with people telling them to go kill themselves etc. It could possibly put you in a situation where you are just made to feel worthless. If you aren't used to being made to feel worthless your whole life, I have doubts that you would deal with it very well if it happens.

The main question is, do you feel strongly enough about this subject to put yourself in that position ?
If you are worried about backlash, don't make a controversial video. If you want to do something that might cause controversy you have to be able to deal with anything that will get thrown your way. You also have to remember that this video could be brought up in years time and still be having people send you hate over it then.

Personally I would do it because I'm as arrogant as anyone could be and I've lived my whole life in a confrontational setting. I'm most at home in a fight or in the middle of an argument. Most people aren't used to that though and I have seen it so many times on youtube. I have seen youtuber after youtuber upload something and then regret it but by that point it's too late. Most of these youtubers then went on to stopping YouTube because they couldn't deal with people telling them to go kill themselves etc. It could possibly put you in a situation where you are just made to feel worthless. If you aren't used to being made to feel worthless your whole life, I have doubts that you would deal with it very well if it happens.

The main question is, do you feel strongly enough about this subject to put yourself in that position ?

I'm not as worried about backlash as I am with how my parents would react. I can handle snarky comments from strangers, that's no biggie. I have filters for the comments I get now, and I could disable ratings/comments if it gets out of hand. But the thing with my rents is that they're strong conservatives, and there is a good chance that if I upload the video before I'm 18, that they'll make me take it down and possibly make me delete my youtube channel. (They've made me take down videos before.) Which is one reason I want to wait to post the video. I want to give it a little more time to make sure the idea is as polished as possible and is made in a way that keeps people from making rash judgments.

This is a subject I feel strongly about, but that is a great question and makes me wonder how much I am willing to say it. It really gives me something to think about.
I'm not as worried about backlash as I am with how my parents would react. I can handle snarky comments from strangers, that's no biggie. I have filters for the comments I get now, and I could disable ratings/comments if it gets out of hand. But the thing with my rents is that they're strong conservatives, and there is a good chance that if I upload the video before I'm 18, that they'll make me take it down and possibly make me delete my youtube channel. (They've made me take down videos before.) Which is one reason I want to wait to post the video. I want to give it a little more time to make sure the idea is as polished as possible and is made in a way that keeps people from making rash judgments.

This is a subject I feel strongly about, but that is a great question and makes me wonder how much I am willing to say it. It really gives me something to think about.

Your parents sound a little cray cray, again personally I grew up in a different environment where no opinion was a wrong opinion and I was given the freedom to come to my own conclusions on literally everything. So I would have had a very hard time respecting or listening to anyone who tried to tell me what I could or couldn't do (unless it was something seriously messed up and illegal)

You basically have to weight up if this video is worth going against your parents on.

Or you could also do the video anonymously, don't be on camera or wear a mask etc, I have known people do this in the past to talk about serious subjects whilst protecting their personal identity