'Cause Grades.
Hey all! Next week I am starting a series called "Let's look at the facts!" where I take controversial topics and talk about them from all angles. Any suggestions for controversial topics? SO far I have-
Gun control
Renting bicycle stations (all over manhattan these days(controversy-They take up parking space and taxis are losing money))
Funsing of the arts
Disney buying Star Wars
Americas refusal to actually close Guantanamo bay (BatteryChicken)
Make it relatively recent please, nothing like global warming
Thanks guys!
Gun control
Renting bicycle stations (all over manhattan these days(controversy-They take up parking space and taxis are losing money))
Funsing of the arts
Disney buying Star Wars
Americas refusal to actually close Guantanamo bay (BatteryChicken)
Make it relatively recent please, nothing like global warming

Thanks guys!