I've Got It
Hey All,
I think one of the most interesting (and for me, fun) ideas to grow brand strength and viewership is to not be afraid to be controversial. It's a fine line for sure. If you go to far one way or to far another with out being 'all for the cause' - you can end up disenfranchising both sides and losing subscribers. I think it can be done it just takes some work, you can use alot of the steps I've seen already.
Examples of Possible Controversial Content: Religion, Amanda Todd, Prostitution and rights, Etc.
Things I've Learned:
1) Add something novel: On response vids - I take a shot every time I disagree with someone.
2) Project: If I disagree, I show it. If it angers me, I show it.
3) Watch Showmanship: Audiences can detect being fake, though.
Those seem to work - What do you guys like or have found works?
I think one of the most interesting (and for me, fun) ideas to grow brand strength and viewership is to not be afraid to be controversial. It's a fine line for sure. If you go to far one way or to far another with out being 'all for the cause' - you can end up disenfranchising both sides and losing subscribers. I think it can be done it just takes some work, you can use alot of the steps I've seen already.
Examples of Possible Controversial Content: Religion, Amanda Todd, Prostitution and rights, Etc.
Things I've Learned:
1) Add something novel: On response vids - I take a shot every time I disagree with someone.
2) Project: If I disagree, I show it. If it angers me, I show it.
3) Watch Showmanship: Audiences can detect being fake, though.
Those seem to work - What do you guys like or have found works?