Contacted by Jukin Media. Need advices.


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Hello there,

i've been contacted by Jukin Media a 2 days ago and i'm not sure if i should accept their offer. I'm new in the Youtube world and i'm looking for some advices.

They are offering me a 80/20 revenue split.

Here are some highlights of their email:

"We are also the world's largest viral video management company and we're interested in talking to you about your newest video of Nao.
Jukin Media is currently producing a show on FOX called World's Funniest and this would be perfect for the show. [....] Jukin Media has been licensing funny videos, pets and cute kids videos for over 5 years and we supply videos to some of the biggest TV networks in the world. This includes Mtv, FOX, BBC, ABC, CNN, truTV, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel and many more. These networks come directly to Jukin to license our clients videos and we charge them a fee to use it. We then share that fee with you, the owner.

We are also an official YouTube partner and MCN (mulit-channel network) so we work directly with advertisers and they bid much higher on YouTube ads. So normally, the average YouTube account can earn between 10-12 cents per thousand views, we have the ability to serve premium ads to your video which have a CPM of about 50 cents and sometimes up to $1.00 per thousand views. You'll be able to earn more in our network. We can also protect your copyright by going after any copies that show up on YouTube, these copies will generate ad revenue for you too. "

Apparently i can't link my video here so if you want to take a look at it, just search "Black Pug Head Tilt" on Youtube by Nao The Pug.

What do you think? Do you have any experience with them? Should i accept?

Read their rules and regulations, u should visit their website, to see their copyright laws!
Be careful! Once it is genuine, way to go, u r so close to success :)
All the best dear :)
50cents to 1$ per 1k views for premium ads and 10-12 cents per 1k views average, seems pretty legit, lol. Oh ofc joking.
12 cent per thousand views..?
Considering the YouTube average is $2.10 it seems they are not telling the whole truth here :p
Wow, that's bad! Even at our 1,500,00 - 2,000,000 daily views I'd throw in the towel if I were getting 10-12 cents per thousand views! Who are they trying to kid? I don't know if they're flat-out lying or ignorant or they get the worst CPMs in the business! I cringe if our RPM is at $1.00 and I'm ecstatic when it hits $3.00.
Hi, I actually signed a contract a few months ago with Jukin Media and I have earned about $100 from it so far. Having a YouTube channel with 70 subs, that is a lot that I couldn't have achieved otherwise. I am pretty happy with them... (The video I signed is called "escape from cat circle trap" if you are interested to see.)