Considering replacing my mac with a pc?


Hey everyone
My Dad and I both think that Adobe is the way forward as appose to Final Cut, so we were considering replacing my mac with a pc.
But we weren't sure, so I thought I'd ask YTT :)
Is it a good idea to scrap the apple computer?
This is a hard question - I think most of the responses you'll get will be from people who either love or hate one or the other.

I'm curious as to why you wouldn't just use Premiere on OSX, if it's an operating system you're already comfortable with?
Apple seem to really be neglecting their computer share lately, which is a shame.
I'd say going PC is a decent option, you'll save money in the long run and many media types are moving away from FCP towards Avid and even Linux.
If you have a budget tell me and i'll spec a PC for you :)
I'm a pc person so i totally recomend it.
btw, you can get adobe on your mac because my sister has it but you have to download it/ buy it for mac. the mac one doesnt work for pc and pc doesnt work for mac.
but i always loved pc, i don't understand mac.
I work with Windows for a living - use Windows all day long. However, personally I find editing so much easier on a MAC.
Maybe I just had a bad experience with Windows, but I found it buggy and crashed a lot more. With my MAC I've only ever had Final Cut crash once - even then it had saved everything so I lost no work at all. Its been great for me and for home use I probably wouldn't go back to Windows (unless its when I'm working from home etc).
Puhleez, PC all the way!!! :D But in all seriousness, Apple Computers compatibility is just non existent, although, PC is increasingly getting the same way with Windows 8 and all. Still recommend it though! :)
Stick with your Mac and just get all the Adobe software for OSX. There is no reason to switch to a PC as all of Adobe's software is available on Mac. Plus Mac's are so much better at creative tasks than PC's.
Alternatively you can install Windows 7 on a Macbook too. Just make sure you read up on how to do it properly before going ahead and trying it.
Adobe's software works on Macs and PC's unless you're going to build a PC which has a lot more power then the Mac so you can render videos and such a lot faster you might as well stick with the Mac and just install adobe software on there :)
First of all you can get a computer with double the specifications for the price of a Macbook, so there is that. In terms of OS it's a matter of taste, but in terms of pure hardware a PC will always win in terms of price. That is assuming you pick out the components yourself and assemble the PC yourself (or have it assembled for you). Never buy a pre-assembled PC, especially for video editing.

As for Final Cut vs Premiere Pro, it's been a while since I used Final Cut but at the time both programs were pretty much identical. Sure some options are different and such, but both have professional video editing options and both are frequently used in the professional movie industry. So again it's a matter of personal taste. Both programs can load the same video formats and they can both export in the same video formats. Unless you have recording equipment that records in an Apple specific format there is no real difference to be seen.