Community guidelines strikes on a unlisted video

beni mars

Okay i know this is my first post, and im pretty new here but im freaking out.

i just received a community guideline strike for a unlisted 30 seconds video.
im not sure why the strike is for.

the video is is created by myself (even used youtube to edit it)
the video was mainly used on my websites header.

what should i do now?
Make a channel that exists, we need a link to the video please. The link to your channel doesn't work
Use the appeal process, if you are certain that you haven't infringed any of the community policies YouTube has definitely appeal it and get it back
I apealed and they fixed it and removed the strike.

but i had a full read of the terms and i know why i got a strike, i think it was because i customized the embed video on my website so that it dosn't show any of the you tube tags and buttons.