Community Guest Commentaries?


YT Talk's Witcher

I was thinking lately there are a lot of 'community' channels but they are almost exclusively for people who own capture cards of some kind.

As part of the Assassins Creed community, I remember being left out of this in the same way. Most, if not all, of the community channels for this game are also exclusively for capture card owners. This got me thinking.

I wondered if I could offer people from that community, who perhaps do not have the money to get their own recording devices, a chance to guest commentate on some of my matches on that game. That way they are not left out and can have their opinions heard.

I wanted to post that here to see what you guys thought of that idea. Let me know! :D
Sounds like a good idea to offer people that chance, not quite sure how big the market for that is though? :D
I have no idea but I don't see it very often. I see mostly community channels for capture card owners :)

Well then I'd say ask about a bit and see if people are interested in that. The idea is sound, so if you find some people to help who can't get on these channels then go for it :p
Well I made a thread about it on their forum but no one had replied as of yet. Maybe mentioning I was a small channel scared them off xD
Well I made a thread about it on their forum but no one had replied as of yet. Maybe mentioning I was a small channel scared them off xD

Shouldn't matter really as your offering a service, plus your the best person I've seen playing AC anyway so they can't say its bad footage :p
Shouldn't matter really as your offering a service, plus your the best person I've seen playing AC anyway so they can't say its bad footage :p
There are people far better than me on YouTube by a lot lol. I managed top 10 world wide, but that game is much more popular now and those big players are big names on YouTube, some having as many as 19k subs :P
There are people far better than me on YouTube by a lot lol. I managed top 10 world wide, but that game is much more popular now and those big players are big names on YouTube, some having as many as 19k subs :p

Well I've not watched any others so can't really say, top 10 is pretty good in my opinion. Add that number into your forum post :D