Commentary Ideas?


Fastest Turtle on YTTalk
Hey guys! I make gaming videos and commentate over them but was wondering if anyone had a good commentary topic they would like to listen to, because I can't think of any right now :( Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance!
Talk about:

  • Your life
  • Your pets
  • A funny story / something interesting
  • Something that annoys you
  • Something that is awesome to you
  • The game
  • Your family
  • Your childhood
  • Politics
  • How hard it was to find a good topic
  • Me

Talk about:

  • Your life
  • Your pets
  • A funny story / something interesting
  • Something that annoys you
  • Something that is awesome to you
  • The game
  • Your family
  • Your childhood
  • Politics
  • How hard it was to find a good topic
  • Me
Really liking the last one haha jk
Really liking the last one haha jk

Haha. In all seriousness, commentary is the most important part, and I really don't think a planned topic is always needed. Jot down a few points you'd like to make about anything, whether it be about the game or something that has happened to you recently, and from there, just kinda let the commentary flow. It's like a conversation with yourself XD Always try to get your viewer base involved in the video, with either a comment saying "I like to use this gun. Let me know your favorite set-up" because using this call-back feature (Like a good priest always knows :p) will have them coming back for more because they feel like they are... a part of your video rather than just a spectator.

Hope this helps at all XD If not, pretend that you never ever read this ever o.o not even if there's a fire.
Haha. In all seriousness, commentary is the most important part, and I really don't think a planned topic is always needed. Jot down a few points you'd like to make about anything, whether it be about the game or something that has happened to you recently, and from there, just kinda let the commentary flow. It's like a conversation with yourself XD Always try to get your viewer base involved in the video, with either a comment saying "I like to use this gun. Let me know your favorite set-up" because using this call-back feature (Like a good priest always knows :p) will have them coming back for more because they feel like they are... a part of your video rather than just a spectator.

Hope this helps at all XD If not, pretend that you never ever read this ever o.o not even if there's a fire.
That is some pretty good advice! I especially like the part about trying to make a viewer feel like they are a part of the video and not just a spectator. Thanks for the advice!
That is some pretty good advice! I especially like the part about trying to make a viewer feel like they are a part of the video and not just a spectator. Thanks for the advice!

No problem, I used to have a decently watched gaming channel a year ago, but due to some minor complications, it was ended. That 'Call-Back' feature is used so often, but sometimes you aren't even aware of it. For example, RWJ comment of the week and what not is an example. Priests / Pastors do it ALL the time with their congregation (The technique actually originated from African Religious roots of their family story teller or Griot as they are named today, so there's that).

Try to put your own spin on it, get your viewer base coming back time and time again and feel apart of your community :D

P.S. RWJ's spin on the Call Back method was pure genius because to find out who has the next comment, it required you to go to the new video. Not saying to copy, but just pointing out his method to his madness. ^^
Well sometimes I try to write down a few bullet points if I have a few things I want to say, but those never work out, personally for me it's easiest to say whatever comes to mind when I'm playing, rather than planning it out