Coming up with topics.

John Lewis

Active Member
Hey guys!

I'm pretty new here so I might have gone straight past a topic like this already but wanted to ask generally, when coming up with new content ideas, how do you generate ideas? What do you decided is a good and bad idea and have you ever ditched videos half way through because you thought they weren't good enough?

Recently I've been doing more 'online media' videos but I'm also looking into doing sort of nostalgia vlogs too. Usually if I have an idea that I want to explore I just charge in and see how it does. :)

So yeah, interested to see how you guys come up with what you talk about and what videos you make :)
This is what I do, It may help or may not:
1) I pick a very general topic, lets say birds.
2) Then I don't think about it with the intent of coming up with an idea. I just day dream about birds, what happens to them, how they look, how they act, etc...
3) Then when there is an image or thought about a bird that makes me smile I latch onto it.
4) I don't write this down, I let my mind hold onto for a couple of days. If I forget about it then that means the idea wasn't good enough to keep. If I remember it then I stat fleshing it out.
5) going back to the bird example, Imagine seeing a flamingo keep a person to death. It's a funny image.
I'll move this to the Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas & Planning section of the forum for you :) Well...unfortunately I am mostly stuck in my I don't really get to come up with many ideas lol. I do music so, I basically just try and match the lyrics I write.
You could always just choose what the goal is, things you like, and find things you like that you can use to make an amazing video.