Comedic timing?


Active Member
Whether it be in editing or making a joke, do you know some ways things are made funny with timing?
One of the biggest comedic aspects that is an amazing tool if used correctly is the pause. Learning how to use a pause appropriately - correct placement, timing, background noise, facial expression (if applicable) - can truly make something very funny.
One of the biggest comedic aspects that is an amazing tool if used correctly is the pause. Learning how to use a pause appropriately - correct placement, timing, background noise, facial expression (if applicable) - can truly make something very funny.
I see, I'll doing something with background noise, haven't thought of that. Thanks for the help :)
I'd guess it's highly case-specific :laugh2: It's definitely a skill to use pauses for comedy. One guy I can think of that does it really well is Casually Explained. Check his video on Social Media for example.
There are so many elements to comedy! So many ways to get a laugh, be it through dialogue, props, non-verbal acts, camerawork, slapstick... you name it.

As for that, I recommend you watch a youtube video entitled: "Edgar Wright - How to Do Visual Comedy"

As for timing, I recommend you just watch lots of comedies and cartoons and eventually it will sort of seep in. I know that sounds lame, but you really need to consume a lot of the type of media you want to create so that it becomes a part of you.

Good luck!
sometimes, no pause is the key for comedy - having a constant stream of quite funny stuff will indefinitely make the viewer laugh if they're part of the target audience.

a pause, however, or a break (something on screen other than you talking, some action), can make a very funny prompt to a not-so-amazing joke. go mad!