Hai guys could you do me a massive favor, and give me some constructive critisisem would love it!
I can make an intro for youHai guys could you do me a massive favor, and give me some constructive critisisem would love it!
Hai guys could you do me a massive favor, and give me some constructive critisisem would love it!
Just for the post, I would go back and edit the word Criticism and spell check future posts... (there's an edit thread option, you can't delete a post, but you can reconfigure it) Not being a d**k, presentation matters when you are marketing anything, but especially yourself. Let me take a look at the channel now =)
Looks good w/ the black and white grey scale of the gaming images... I would be sure to make my thumbnails for uploads as colorful as possible to compliment the background, and since you're scheme is bi/tri-tonal-ish, consider some bright, even fluorescent thumbnails to make your media *POP* *POP* *POP* *POP*[DOUBLEPOST=1354745630,1354745464][/DOUBLEPOST]Me too a bit, which is why I <3 Spell check, no disrespect intended =)Hai guys could you do me a massive favor, and give me some constructive critisisem would love it!
Not to be rude but I can't spell well im dyslexic I kno you wouldnt know that without me telling you but yeah np mate
Looks good w/ the black and white grey scale of the gaming images... I would be sure to make my thumbnails for uploads as colorful as possible to compliment the background, and since you bi/tri-tonal-ish, consider some bright, even fluorescent thumbnails to make your media *POP* *POP* *POP* *POP*
Yeah I know I just havnt really gotten round too doing thumbnails I dont have a huge amount of time so it becomes difficult at times but I will start doing then they are at the top of my priority list for things to do in the future.
What cha think of the content?
Looks like the thumbnails, because your content is so bright and colorful it won't be an issue. Any thumbnail that YT offers should work. So take a breath there.
Gaming videos aren't my cup of tea, so no views sorry, but until I went into your upload feed, it appeared as though you only have your one featured video as a library of content. Maybe in the channel settings a different view mode would make more of your content readily apparent and available?