Collaboration for dummies ?

Ricky - AniRhythm

I've Got It
Hi All,

I've been curious as to the best way to collaborate on a project ....mainly on the administrative side...

I make music, and my whole reason for making youtube videos is to promote my music, i've learned animations and have turned it into it's own art in my portfolio.... but even then it's to promote the music. I'm working at building my production company, my music is in the content id, naturally everything i make video wise will get tagged, but that is of course the plan.

now, i get so insanely busy with learning new animation techniques, creating music, promoting, freelancing, researching, administrating - i really don't have that time to sit back and think up new stories or music videos to animate, it's not that i can't, but sleep is part of the plan too! lol it would be nice to work with other people who have fresh new ideas for videos, but i have no idea what would be fair to them in this scenario. I mean, yeah credit is there, but as i said, I am building this like a business so the goal is income, the problem is - there is hardly any income - i need to make a ton of stuff to make it all relevant. I don't want to be "That guy" that promises fame and fortune, when I know quite well it's blood sweat and tears, and I kind of just want to have fun and enjoy the ride creating stuff. but this can also translate over to, "He just doesn't want to pay anyone", when the truth is, that it's mind boggling just how much streaming services can divide a penny and give you a serious look at the same time like "yeah, welcome to the entertainment business" and I still have to look for work to pay bills while it grows

so, how do i do collaborations with the above conundrum ?
Have you ever thought of offering the music you have already made to youtubers to use in their videos and giving you credit ? Or film students for their projects ?
Hi Ruth,

Ya, I have a playlist of people that have used the music in videos and I help promote them, but that kinda happens on it's own when i release music.

I'm just looking to make more music videos myself too.... I have all these toys to make videos now, and trying to figure out the best ways to collab with talent like screenwriters, story tellers, voice actors and directors to do some fun videos. I mean naturally if a project is a hit, they are a part of it, but for the meanwhile it's just basically making stuff for youtube and having fun till something happens.

it's not that i can't do them alone, it's just more fun working with other creative people and i can get more done faster, thus increase the chance of turning it into something bigger.

it's funny too, i'm studying animated music videos, and many of them really don't mean anything if you turn off the music....but i find myself wanting to do stuff like an animated version of lady gaga's born this way video - so i'm driving myself nuts trying to think of good story lines to film lol - not that i want to copy the video either, i just love the way it's half a story and half a music video.
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