Gaming Collab right now?


Loving YTtalk
As of right now (12/29/13; 5:25 PM CST) I really need a buddy to talk to in an episode of Pokemon I'm recording. It's Lavender Tower, and it's just a really tedious task. I figured it would be better do record it with people. I have not a clue how I'd show you my screen over skype, but if you have a good enough knowledge of first gen pokemon maybe you could follow mentally?

Or maybe just not talk about the game at all and tell Ghost stories to coincide with a Lavender Town theme.
You can do share screen via skype. Idk how smooth it would be but it could work. However, I think the ghost story could be fun! Best of luck to you. I don't think I'd be a good candidate without being able to see the screen =X
As of right now (12/29/13; 5:25 PM CST) I really need a buddy to talk to in an episode of Pokemon I'm recording. It's Lavender Tower, and it's just a really tedious task. I figured it would be better do record it with people. I have not a clue how I'd show you my screen over skype, but if you have a good enough knowledge of first gen pokemon maybe you could follow mentally?

Or maybe just not talk about the game at all and tell Ghost stories to coincide with a Lavender Town theme.
I'm guessing since you have a youtube channel, it means you also have a google+ channel xD
You can use whatever that program google has to share screen. I often do that because sometimes skype goes bonkers when you're recording. Or you can do it with skype and the other person can just look at it fullscreen (and not doing anything else lol)
I'm guessing since you have a youtube channel, it means you also have a google+ channel xD
You can use whatever that program google has to share screen. I often do that because sometimes skype goes bonkers when you're recording. Or you can do it with skype and the other person can just look at it fullscreen (and not doing anything else lol)
I never thought about google+ as an option. Thank you.