So I was thinking about getting a Gaming News/update channel running for a few people.
The idea is that we would all pick a game/genre and if there was any news then we would report on it
I have a good idea for the name which I am quite pleased with xD (Lemmie know what you think). I would call it GameByte as it will be in little chunks of info (sorry about grammar, its 2.30 am). I thought that fits in nicely with the theme.
So would anyone be interested? All I ask is a Good Mic and Something to record either Gameplay/video with (No camera pointed at screen xD)
So just fill out this:
Skype -
Age -
Type of News -
Why You? -
Am I awesome? -
The idea is that we would all pick a game/genre and if there was any news then we would report on it
I have a good idea for the name which I am quite pleased with xD (Lemmie know what you think). I would call it GameByte as it will be in little chunks of info (sorry about grammar, its 2.30 am). I thought that fits in nicely with the theme.
So would anyone be interested? All I ask is a Good Mic and Something to record either Gameplay/video with (No camera pointed at screen xD)
So just fill out this:
Skype -
Age -
Type of News -
Why You? -
Am I awesome? -