Cold Shower Karaoke tag!

Pretend I'm Famous

Liking YTtalk
A few days ago I stumbled across the Cold Shower Confession tag - I thought it was a great idea, but wanted to up the ante!

I present to you the Cold Shower Karaoke challenge, where tubers submit themselves to ice cold water and try to belt their way through some songs from their ice-ridden memory! Helluva challenge, but super fun!

I have to tell you, it's brutal and some of the most fun I've ever had, haha! If you're looking for a good challenge, or vlog material, I highly recommend it :)

No challenge is complete without some sacrifices nominations!

- @AnnaLovesVlogging From whom I came across the Cold Shower Confession tag
- @IntenseCii My fellow VEDA challenge buddy
- @msfancyspecs Who I saw looking for a good challenge on the forum

And to everyone else, if you have the guts to take this challenge head on, let me know! I want to see ALL OF THESE! Haha :D
I feel like you just want to see people in the xD
I've had enough of cold showers but I'm pretty thrilled that you tagged me!! :bounce:
Sounds fun, but I'm allergic to cold water, I get flu :eek::eek::eek:

Lol, look at these excuses! :p

Hahaha! This sounds really fun. Hope I get tagged to do this eventually

Lol, well it's a completely new tag, so consider yourself tagged!! We can get it started :)

Same for @Sennuh and @Miles Against who are both looking for good challenges to do!
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