Gaming [closed] Can we start a group?

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I'm an Australian YouTuber. I've been on YouTube since 2006, but for various reasons out of my control I've always been knocked back. I recently had my internet re-connected and am getting back onto YouTube.

I used to be part of this large gaming group where everyone collaborated with each other and were active on each other's videos, and I'm sad to say that upon my internet reconnecting, the group no longer exists.

I want to re-start it.

Anyone who is interested in long-term collaborating and forming a group please get in contact with me.
My skype is MMEggman, and my YouTube is JoshFaceh.
I play PC btw.
Hey Josh, just checked out your channel and thought it was pretty funny. I've been looking for someone to collab with and I'd be down to collab if youre interested? Let me know. My channel is Thespina xx
Hey Josh, just checked out your channel and thought it was pretty funny. I've been looking for someone to collab with and I'd be down to collab if youre interested? Let me know. My channel is Thespina xx



This thread is from 2015. Please don't bump very old threads - OP is no longer active here and it is very confusing for other members who post after you. :)

Feel free to start a new thread discussing this topic or reply to a more recent existing thread that is discussing this.

Thanks :)
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