Classic games idea help


Gaming review`s fireshock moment
I have been thinking on this while now and i think i want to try and do classic games on like the ps2,wii,xbox original and ps1 games. The thing is that i am not sure what to call it and more importantly i dont know whether to do it or not some suggestions for names and maybe some ideas on how to do a series like this would be helpful :)
Hmm, maybe you could call the series "A Blast From the Past"? Or maybe "Old but Gold"? Both have a ring to them and would be enticing to people who stumble upon them. As for games, the Sly Cooper franchise has always been one of my favorites, and not many people make playthroughs of the game, so you wouldn't have much competition. The only downside would be how long the game is....if you're looking for an old game that is great for commentary, I'd go with the Star Wars: Battlefront games; they're nostalgic, quick, and easy to master.

Best of luck in your new series!
Hmm, maybe you could call the series "A Blast From the Past"? Or maybe "Old but Gold"? Both have a ring to them and would be enticing to people who stumble upon them. As for games, the Sly Cooper franchise has always been one of my favorites, and not many people make playthroughs of the game, so you wouldn't have much competition. The only downside would be how long the game is....if you're looking for an old game that is great for commentary, I'd go with the Star Wars: Battlefront games; they're nostalgic, quick, and easy to master.

Best of luck in your new series!

haha thats what i was thinking of starting with i love those games lol
You should do some sports games like SSX, The Bigs, or NFL Street 2 (my personal favorite). Arcade style sports games are a lot of fun to play and it would make a good and funny commentary if you are playing with a friend, Just a thought
SLY f*****g COOPER


LOL all I really did was open my drawer and pick random PS2 games...
Wow, that is so weird, I was just looking into starting a new series about old classic games. I just got my PS2 down from the loft (attic if you are American :D) I dusted it off and played on some old games I found and played them with a friend lol
Oh yeah and for wii pokemon battle revolution is the only one I can remember....

And for PS1, Parappa the rappa and Frogger :P

Crash and Tarazan from above post where both PS1
Wow, that is so weird, I was just looking into starting a new series about old classic games. I just got my PS2 down from the loft (attic if you are American :D) I dusted it off and played on some old games I found and played them with a friend lol

Yeah i was going through some ps2 and ps1 games i had so i thought why not do a series on some on these in the future :)
Final Fantasy games. VII, VIII, IX, and X will be popular I'd think.
Hell, I've wanted to do a LP of FFIX for AGES. It'd be pretty long though. Maybe I should.

Wii as well, SUPER SMASH BROTHERS. No ifs or buts, YES.

As for a series name...

"Classic Corner"

Heck, I want to use that, but there it is. Use it if you like. ^_^.