Well-Known Member
Because I run a reaction channel, I'm used to getting claims, now (though, it still irritates me that YT doesn't have live people to be able to determine what is fair use as opposed to a computer). When I got a claim against a reaction I did to a parody of Uptown Funk, I removed it and uploaded an edited video that only has my intro and then directs viewers to go watch it on Daily Motion as I do with all claimed videos for now. Only to find out a few days later, there's a claim on that one, too!
Anyone else deal with something like this? I disputed it, was denied and now I'm appealing it. How does it make any sense? What options do I have? Where's Johnny Cochran when you need him?!
Anyone else deal with something like this? I disputed it, was denied and now I'm appealing it. How does it make any sense? What options do I have? Where's Johnny Cochran when you need him?!