Cinnamon+Onion+Paprika Challenge!

Ciarans Blogs

Loving YTtalk
Want more people to see if they can do this i failed :) post it as a video response on my channel if you can do it without spitting it out! i failed big time
Want more people to see if they can do this i failed :) post it as a video response on my channel if you can do it without spitting it out! i failed big time
i'm allergic to onions or anything in its family like pepper, garlic etc.
Well were going to be doing more crazy things so stay tuned , i have to do a for fit for loosing so if you comment it will be put in the hat :P
Well were going to be doing more crazy things so stay tuned , i have to do a for fit for loosing so if you comment it will be put in the hat :p
well don't start because if you ask me to give you a challenge it would be endless. for the forfeit you should drink and blend these items together: ketchup, peanut butter, coffee, coke, chillies, pepper, loads of sult, banana, onion, garlic, baked beans, sprouts, prawns, fish, raw eggs and cold potatoes, soy sauce, brown sauce, ice cream. i would think of more but its been a long time since i did any food / drink dares. but this should be interesting.