Christmas Livestream


The Team here at LemonCo. are doing a christmas livestream we would love to hear what you want to see us do chalanges, games etc... Thanks for any feed back!
You're worse then Target! It's NOT Christmas! Sorry, involuntary response I have at this time of the year lol.
On topic, I don't have a specific game but kinect games are always fun to watch if you have a webcam aswell. I can't think of one person who doesn't look hilarious while playing the kinect.
I'd watch but the yogscast livestreams.... :/

You're worse then Target! It's NOT Christmas! Sorry, involuntary response I have at this time of the year lol.
On topic, I don't have a specific game but kinect games are always fun to watch if you have a webcam aswell. I can't think of one person who doesn't look hilarious while playing the kinect.

Hey they aren't doing it now they are only asking for ideas xD
You're worse then Target! It's NOT Christmas! Sorry, involuntary response I have at this time of the year lol.
On topic, I don't have a specific game but kinect games are always fun to watch if you have a webcam aswell. I can't think of one person who doesn't look hilarious while playing the kinect.

I look fabulous when I play any Kinect game.
Thats why you can do this > Totally NOT Mad.
I could but then we wouldn't be having this conversation. What would I do then? I'd be bored out of my mind right now.

Honestly I'm just not used to people actually taking me serious, because I don't take anything I say seriously. Sorry if I came across poorly it wasn't my intention.:)
Ohhhhh I see where this is going! You guys want to talk about people looking fabulous while playing Kinect games? Look no further than yours truly. I was playing one of those adventure games too, and even while sweating and coughing my lungs out, I still looked fabulous. *flips hair*

LOL... I'd love to see a group game of Mario Party 6 (that's my favorite :x), or even the most recent game that's on the Wii. It should provide a lot of raging, which I would watch with a smile on my face.
Hi there, just moving this thread to the Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas and Planning section of the forum.