Chosing thumbnail when not partnered?


New Member
I'm new so I'm not sure where to post this.

I'm not a partner so when I upload I get 3 choices for a thumbnail.

These three choices are 3 stills from the actual video. But I was wondering, are these images random? Or are they chosen by a spesific time every time you upload a video?

If so then wouldn't I, in theory, be able to figure out what 3 frames of my video that will be used as a thumbnail by youtube?
I don't know if they're random or not, but it would make the video look weird if you had 3 frames that just popped out and were completely off. It's an awful lot of trouble to go to just to have your thumbnail look fancy. Personally, I would just let it be - after you upload a certain amount of videos, regardless of partnership, you can have custom thumbnails.
I can't find anything on it, but I remember being told that after 100 or 1000 videos (don't remember which), you get custom thumbnails. I don't know if it's true, though.