Choosing a profile icon...


Overwatch YouTuber
I currently really like my profile icon, but feel as though relating it in some way to my main source of content would be more beneficial to myself and my viewers in the long run. I've come up with some drafts, but I'm not that talented with graphics. I'm looking for something really simplistic, that just has an Overwatch related image, and my name.

What do you guys think of any of these images?
Are they suitable?
I need help :(

If anyone is any talented at graphics, some advise/other ideas would also be awesome. :p





I've moved your thread to the review / feedback forum. :) Please note that the review forum is the only forum where members can ask for feedback on their videos and channel (including artwork). We like to keep this sort of thread out of the main forums. :)

Good luck.
The second one is my favourite. Personally, I'd do something like this with the over watch logo.

But ya better not steal that cause I made it for my own channel ya hear!

I just feel like you might wanna find a way to make the background or the logo a bit more visually interesting, white on grey is just a bit flat in my opinion :)
I prefer the avatar you have now, to be honest.
Maybe play around with it and see if you can make it Overwatchy somehow?