Check Out Red N' Black Target.


I've Got It
Hey everyone! I run a gaming channel called Red N' Black Target with a friend and was wondering if anyone would be willing to check out our stuff and leave some feedback, ratings, subscribe, share or anything like that. We make (mainly) Call Of Duty commentaries that are about the game or, most of the time, not about the game!

I figured now would be a good time to post something since I am in the middle of my two week long celebration of my one year anniversary of commentating! I'm posting daily up until the 22nd and then we go back to our Monday, Friday schedule. (Peppered with occasional uploads since we are both swamped with school work.)

Anyway yeah, if anyone would be willing to check us out we would be very grateful! Some suggestions of what to watch: My video that I'm uploading today, my brilliant games series, and my RNBT 2012 ll Be Scared video where I call out WoodysGamertag, WingsOfRedemption, TmarTn, and Whiteboy7thst. (Sarcastically as a joke of course. I'm really a fan, I was just having some fun and making fun of the presidential campaign ads that were playing where the candidates bash each other.) Sorry for the long post and thanks again! :)