Services Cheap Graphics

Ben Steele

I've Got It
Hi there, I'm Ben, and I'm a Graphic Designer from England. After a couple of years of free graphic designs, I've decided to lay down some minimal charges for my time.

You must pay via PayPal and include specifications.

Thumbnails - £1 each
Icon - £3 each
Social Media Banner - £4 each

If you're unsure of the cost of something, have an enquiry, complaint or praise, drop it in an email and ping it over to

Below, you'll find some samples of my work. I hope we can work together soon!

lumify is comin.pngOn-screen logo.pnggoing ham.PNGvs.PNG


  • BANNER.png
    256.7 KB · Views: 3
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More details? lol

Hahah! My thumbnail designs tend to be with text, possibly a logo, and a screenshot from your video, either thrown out of focus in the background or in the foreground & in high resolution.

I'm now charging for graphics; you can find the prices in my first thread :)
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I would like to give it a try. But instead of taking a still from a video, just get a background from Google Images, grungy type and add text and logo, whatever and make it look good :)
The Text Should Be "AO12 + UPDATE" and some rubiks cube ain the thumbnail :)
The way it's describe kinda fits what I want. Could you do one for my league videos? or Diablo3 and write the game name in short (LoL , D3) than add a number like how my videos show (LoL Gold SoloQ #?)
The way it's describe kinda fits what I want. Could you do one for my league videos? or Diablo3 and write the game name in short (LoL , D3) than add a number like how my videos show (LoL Gold SoloQ #?)

Hey Dolan,

I'll run a test design by you, see what you think. It'll be done in about 15 mins.[DOUBLEPOST=1410879818,1410879777][/DOUBLEPOST]
I would like to give it a try. But instead of taking a still from a video, just get a background from Google Images, grungy type and add text and logo, whatever and make it look good :)
The Text Should Be "AO12 + UPDATE" and some rubiks cube ain the thumbnail :)

I'll run a sample by you in about half an hour. Expect a follow-up shortly!

Hey Dolan,

I'll run a test design by you, see what you think. It'll be done in about 15 mins.[DOUBLEPOST=1410879818,1410879777][/DOUBLEPOST]

I'll run a sample by you in about half an hour. Expect a follow-up shortly!

Thanks :D
Confused? Read on... For those of you who saw this thread when it was offering free graphics and posted a response request, please follow it up with an email, to

It's not fair to be ignored, I agree, and I admit this thread is clogged with various requests and promises, so just clear everything up in a quick email.

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