Cheap budget microphone?


I'm cool :)
So hey there, i was wondering what microphone to get something of a budget of $10/£10. I do gaming from my ipad and it is a decent quality but i cant be flexible when i record. So are there and mics out there for £10 that are better than ipad mics and also could i just use any splitter or would i have to get a specific one?

Thanks for reading
Rock band + Guitar Hero mics are actually pretty good. I use it for all my voice acting and I get really good results :-D Especially after a bit of mastering :)
Unfortunately for $10 your options are quite limited. I honestly couldn't suggest anything, however I will say that If you go with the above method, you should probably invest in a pop filter at least. However I do understand that finances can be tight, so if you can't afford the filter, at least put a sock over your mic. It might sound ridiculous but BELIEVE ME. A mic with a sock over it will sound INFINITELY better then one without.
If you can save up $30 more dollars, you can get this
For $10, the best there is is probably this Logitech Mic used.

Honestly, the Logitech one isn't too bad for it's price. Here's a real quick comparison.
I got this mic from amazon and its actually pretty good! not sure if it'll work with an iPad but for £6 it's amazing!
(remove the spaces)
amazon. co. uk /gp/product/B004YEWC22/
Wow thanks for the suggestions guys i have to look in with speed link and guitar hero thing. And i guess i can try put a sock over my ipad? And does anyone know a cheap splitter i can find? I found one on amazon for £2 but not to sure
h t t p:/ /w w w

This is a decent mic. It's £8 so probabley $13

I needed a microphone for commentary over my video reviews. I seen this (and a video review of this) but have to admit I was doubtful the clarity and quality could be delivered so well by a mic at this price.
I cannot stress enough how good this mic is. Fantastic clarity, easy to use , even lovely on the eye.
If you want a microphone for recording or webcam chat, I doubt you will find better.
Wow that looks cool and a bit better. Having looked at some reviews i think that would be a good option and i cold make my ownfilter had home (coat hanger and sock).But could you/someonelse help me with finding a mic splitter for ipad? Or will it work normally.I want to make sure it works perfect.

Thanks :)
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I have Turtle Beach headset. Havn't done any commentaries but will eventually have to start. They should be fine for me i reckon.