Channel Trailer?


Just a sk8r gurl (or a gamer dude)
So I am planning to do a channel trailer.. I like my old one but it didnt really capture what my channel was all about. What are some things I need to make sure I know and include in making one?
Clips of what you do, explain what people would expect when subbing to you. Show what is unique about your channel. That is essential.

Give them something about you if you want, but most of it is about how awesome your channel is. :-)
Clips of what you do, explain what people would expect when subbing to you. Show what is unique about your channel. That is essential.

Give them something about you if you want, but most of it is about how awesome your channel is. :)
Yeah I just showed clips last time I guess that was the something that was really missing, along with the telling what is good about my channel and unique.... Thank you for your input :)
Yeah I just showed clips last time I guess that was the something that was really missing, along with the telling what is good about my channel and unique.... Thank you for your input :)
You're welcome man. Make sure to post it here if you want feedback on it! :-)
I think it's really important to be very direct in the first 5-10 seconds, because a lot of people might close it before they watch any longer than that. So make sure they understand what your channel is all about in that time. It can be hard to pull off, but I think it's worth the hassle.
The gears in my head are turning and I think I already have a really good idea
Make sure you keep it short and simple, maybe put some commands in there like tell them to subscribe or tell them to share :)
I saw your current channel trailer and I have to agree with what you said about not capturing what your channel is about. If I didnt read the title of the video I would assume it was another normal video.

Here are a few ideas. From your previous videos take some of the funny to funniest moments and put them in a montage for your channel trailer. So then it can show people that you are a gaming channel and you have funny and or amazing things to show. Have some cool music in the background also!

You may be able to fish out some other ideas, but I hope I helped and I wish you luck. I guess when your new trailer comes out I will see it since I subbed to you. :)
Keep it short, good jump cuts, upbeat music... these are just some of the things that make a channel trailer good in my opinion.