Channel Trailer - What turns you away?


Rhetorical Porcupine
So when you're browsing a new channel for the first time and watch their trailer, what immediately makes you close the window and move on?

On the flip side of the question, what makes you subscribe right away?
I never judge a channel by the trailer. Then again, if I look around on YouTube for new people I search for a specific kind of content and then I give a channel a few vids.
It honestly depends on the video. I personally don't have a trailer just yet, but I tend to like montages with voiceovers.

I don't mind "squeakers," as long as they have a nice commentating voice/flow. Just no voice crack. Please. :crying:
I don't pay attention much to the trailer. If it really catches my attention or manages to make me laugh or even chuckle then I'll check out a video or two and decide whether to subscribe or not
Sound peaking and making my ears bleed will make me walk away. Video that is really shaky or nausea inducing will too. Other than that, typical stuff that's not safe for work or safe for life.

Personalities make me sub. So a great introduction sentence, or catchy pose will keep me interested.

For the gamers out there, a gaming trailer that would get me to sub is if they do a sketch haha.