Channel Stagnation - How do you Counter it? Share your Stories!


I thought about making this thread to discuss a common problem among many small to middle-sized channels: channel stagnation. What is channel stagnation exactly? It is when you get less views/subscribers rate than before and it stays there without improving for a long period of time.

What do you do to counter that? Do you try to make a semi-viral/viral video to get back views? Do you try out new things such as new series or various experiments?

Don't forget to share your stories along with your solutions and/or problems you have, this might help fellow Youtubers get their channels back on their feet!

Here's my own channel stagnation story:
I've been making gaming videos for over a year now, and for most of that time, my videos were mainly consisting of Minecraft content. Recently, I made an announcement saying that I was stopping long survival series that just drags on (have one that is 48 episodes long!), and said that I would focus mainly on variety gaming content along with more exciting Minecraft content (like co-op survival, etc.).

Since then, my views have been very low, despite the 1000+ subscribers on the channel. I don't blame them though - they subscribed for Minecraft content mainly. However, I can't seem to get any more views, which is a bummer, really is.

I know the main thing to do with Youtube is to have fun, but I want to pursue my dream of making a career out of this channel. "You can keep dreaming man" is something some people might say, but those who gets their dream to come true is those who work for it. Anyways, enough rambling, now tell me YOUR stories! :)
good thread my stagnates usually go away after i release a new video lol i really dont do any of the trending fads on youtube because i like to keep all my content original but im always looking for ways to improve my videos with the resources i have.Im collabing with another youtuber soon, so looking forward to how itll turn out
I have that issue, I have 129 subscribers and like 8 average views per video, I have no idea how to deal with it lol
same here, not sure how to fix it, but i will watch this thread and wait for the solution if there is one :(