Channel Setup opinions?


New Member
Hi there, let me preface this letter by saying i'm new here so if I have done something wrong just let me know.
anyway I have wanted to do youtube for over two years now but have never got around to it. I'm finally going to give it another shot. before I start making videos I wanted to get my channel (s) setup correctly so it looks better and I don't have to worry about it. Right now my idea is to have three channels.

the first one will be my main channel called Randomite I think its a cool name but would love opinions. on this channel I want to do pranks mainly mostly in public and such. I do like film making and comedy so I think it would be fun every now and then to put out a short fill on that channel either drama or comedy.

the next 2 channels i'm not sure if i even want to do or if i like the names but i will go ahead and put them here anyway.

RandomitePlays is where i would do gaming videos. i like playing games and I like to watch the videos on youtube. however all of the gamers i watch do it full time so i think it would be hard to do that and everything else, but i might casually play games and put them on that channel. i guess I would have to feel it out when i get into it. as for the name i'm using Randomite as my brand for example all my social media is RealRandomite. I just say plays because i thought it was different and a little more catchy than games.

Lastly there is RandomiteDaily again different name instead of vlogs. just different. this channel would serve as vlogs and behind the scenes of my main channel I would like to do daily but my life is a lot more boring then your average youtube because I am a student and, its not my full time job.

as for channel art and stuff like that its pretty basic but looks ok for now, maybe one day in the future I could have some who is really good at photoshop make me sore professional ones.

Also one more thing for the Randomite channel i could not get the randomite channel url because it was taken and now its taken down. my plan was to just wait and if i got to a point where youtube cared about me they could just set it for me.

thats all I have for you, sorry about the wall of text, I look forward to your opinions!

You are very inspired and enthusiastic which is good however managing 3 channels will be very difficult, running one good quality channel is hard running more is a lot of extra work for yourself on top of any other work you might have (job,school,etc) if you really want to do that then good luck :)
I'll try to give you some advice

Anyway in terms of set up you will need social media I suggest twitter or facebook but you can use others. This can give you more exposure, a lager audience, and place to meet people outside of youtube.

Channel art is going to be a pain mate each banner should fit the channel a gaming channel should have a gaming banner, a volg channel a vlog banner etc. You need three individual and custom banners along with logos for the channel. Thumbnails are also a part of this each channel will need thumbnails for each video obviously. So this could be a problem later for you with so many thumbnails getting all mixed up.

Time management this is a big thing people won't watch your content if you post to irregularly people need consistency and that's very hard to provide with more than 2 channels since some may sub for pranks, others for games, and others for vlogs and you have to keep up with all three. I suggest making a schedule so you can manage it better.

Equipment I know for a good gaming channel this can get expensive, I'm unsure how much it is to get a vlog channel up and running or a prank channel. However if you haven't make sure you take some time to research the materials you will need.

Tips: Be careful with pranks and don't push it to far people have started to gain a somewhat negative disposition to prank channels because they go to far. Don't just play minecraft if you intended to do that there are so many minecraft channels it really isn't going to help you. Always be yourself and express your opinions as long as you are respectful of other opinions.

I hope some of this information helped you and gave you an idea of what to do and what to expect :)