Channel Review Request - Gaming Channel - 4 Months Old (120 videos)


I've Got It
Hi All,

My first time making a post in this section of the forum as i've had so much to learn and improve over the last 100 videos I didn't feel there was a lot of point. However, whilst i've still got so much improvement to do I feel I have made progress on most of the basic elements, so I am looking for some advise on what to improve next.

Happy to receive all feedback (good & bad) but if possible specific feedback on:

- Facecam, I recently added a face cam (about 5 vids ago) obviously I still have a lot of improvement to do regarding how i sit, interact etc but do you feel the face camera adds something to the videos or is worse?

- SEO, How are my tags and video titles? I have tried to be descriptive and make targeted tags but obviously I still need work

- Thumbnails, probably my worst area? what could be done to improve the thumbnails, make them standout more? to cluttered?

- Any other elements to my channel that you feel would improve the quality?

Thanks for any help :-D
As someone who does/has studied graphic design I'd say your profile and likely banner should be redone. But mostly the profile. For the normal person I guess it's more or less fine.

Your thumbnails need alot more work. Just from glancing over your videos none of them are eye catchy and just seem to be screenshots taken from the game. Oh you asked for advice. Choose more interesting pictures, and make what's in the thumbnail bigger if it's text or a cut out. Bigger is usually more eye grabbing.

Your titles could probably be a bit more, exciting. Maybe it's just that your putting to much in them. So whatever is exciting about it takes a while to get to. You don't have to cram so much into your titles. The longer it takes me to read something the quicker I jump to something else

Unless I see some glaring issue I'll only watch your most recent video.

Your seo and tags seem decent. My seo is always garbage so mines is often as good as what your doing right now. No I take that back. What are you doing? "kingdoms \u0026 castles war". Maybe my program has a problem reading the tag but you have 6 or so tags like that on your recent video. Maybe it's just me and if it is tags seem good enough like I originally said.

The facecam is fine and I like the energy you bring to your videos. But you need to trim the intros. I can usually put up with the "welcome here's a new series I'm doing" but when you start going into other things I start getting drained. And a drained viewer watches less and clicks of faster.

If probably move the facecam up into one of the corners. Just because information is usually at the bottom of the screen and less likely at the top, and you do block a bit of information in this video. And maybe try to cut back on the um's
First of all, congrats on posting so many videos! I decided to watch you first video and your most recent as a quick way to see how you've progressed. Your Lets Play seem well done (very engaging and helpful). Nice audio quality overall, which is good since we usually judge with our ears first. I will say when it comes to your channel page, the banner seemed just a bit eye straining. Good thumbnails though in my opinion. Maybe just make the font a bit bigger and easier to read (such as for the numbers in your Warhammer II Total War thumbnails.

Great page overall though! Keep up the consistent content, that definitely shows your dedication. It's actually really impressive that you've been able to post that many videos in such a short span of a few months
As someone who does/has studied graphic design I'd say your profile and likely banner should be redone. But mostly the profile. For the normal person I guess it's more or less fine.

Your thumbnails need alot more work. Just from glancing over your videos none of them are eye catchy and just seem to be screenshots taken from the game. Oh you asked for advice. Choose more interesting pictures, and make what's in the thumbnail bigger if it's text or a cut out. Bigger is usually more eye grabbing.

Your titles could probably be a bit more, exciting. Maybe it's just that your putting to much in them. So whatever is exciting about it takes a while to get to. You don't have to cram so much into your titles. The longer it takes me to read something the quicker I jump to something else

Unless I see some glaring issue I'll only watch your most recent video.

Your seo and tags seem decent. My seo is always garbage so mines is often as good as what your doing right now. No I take that back. What are you doing? "kingdoms \u0026 castles war". Maybe my program has a problem reading the tag but you have 6 or so tags like that on your recent video. Maybe it's just me and if it is tags seem good enough like I originally said.

The facecam is fine and I like the energy you bring to your videos. But you need to trim the intros. I can usually put up with the "welcome here's a new series I'm doing" but when you start going into other things I start getting drained. And a drained viewer watches less and clicks of faster.

If probably move the facecam up into one of the corners. Just because information is usually at the bottom of the screen and less likely at the top, and you do block a bit of information in this video. And maybe try to cut back on the um's

Thanks for taking the time to review my channel, really appreciate it!

- Completely agree about the banner and logo, I think they look unprofessional and childish, I have pretty limited graphic skills. I really just need to set the time aside and learn how to do it properly really.

- Can certainly increase the text size without to much trouble, Would be good for me to try and get better or edit better images, although again slightly limited by my knowledge of graphic design software (although I should be able to learn)

- Titles are a tough one, in one sense I agree they aren't the most eye catching titles. My reasoning behind this is basically SEO related, I have really found that getting good game related keywords into the title helps with search ranking, so I feel like its a sort of trade of between a nice title that reads well & getting better SEO results

- I went and had a look at my tags after you said about the strange code, I'm not 100% sure why it's done that but every time I have used a '&' symbol it has replaced it with \u0026 which is really odd, it may just be youtube symbol code or something that needs to be looked into, it wasn't how I intended to tag, I shall investigate further!

- Yep I think you're right with the intros I do kind of go on a little bit to long, and yeah the 'ums' I really need to break, thats a really hard habit to get out of though haha. Yes I did realise after I have just filmed the second video of that kingdoms and castles that the camera blocks the interface, I need to move the camera around depending on what game i'm playing.

First of all, congrats on posting so many videos! I decided to watch you first video and your most recent as a quick way to see how you've progressed. Your Lets Play seem well done (very engaging and helpful). Nice audio quality overall, which is good since we usually judge with our ears first. I will say when it comes to your channel page, the banner seemed just a bit eye straining. Good thumbnails though in my opinion. Maybe just make the font a bit bigger and easier to read (such as for the numbers in your Warhammer II Total War thumbnails.

Great page overall though! Keep up the consistent content, that definitely shows your dedication. It's actually really impressive that you've been able to post that many videos in such a short span of a few months

Thanks for taking the time to check out my channel :-D

Yeah I can't quite believe i've got so many videos out either, it seems to have gone so fast! but i've been really enjoying making them.

Glad you like the audio, it took me quite a while to get it pinned down to how I want it, had lots of audio problems in my older videos.

I completely agree with the banner i'm not a fan of it either. I just need to set some time aside to learn a little how to make a better banner then have a go at making something.

Larger text should be easy enough for me to do and seems a sensible improvement :-)

Thanks for you kind words, i've been pretty pleased with how everything has gone so far, hopefully my channel will continue to grow going forwards :-D
Thanks for taking the time to review my channel, really appreciate it!

- Completely agree about the banner and logo, I think they look unprofessional and childish, I have pretty limited graphic skills. I really just need to set the time aside and learn how to do it properly really.

- Can certainly increase the text size without to much trouble, Would be good for me to try and get better or edit better images, although again slightly limited by my knowledge of graphic design software (although I should be able to learn)

- Titles are a tough one, in one sense I agree they aren't the most eye catching titles. My reasoning behind this is basically SEO related, I have really found that getting good game related keywords into the title helps with search ranking, so I feel like its a sort of trade of between a nice title that reads well & getting better SEO results

- I went and had a look at my tags after you said about the strange code, I'm not 100% sure why it's done that but every time I have used a '&' symbol it has replaced it with \u0026 which is really odd, it may just be youtube symbol code or something that needs to be looked into, it wasn't how I intended to tag, I shall investigate further!

- Yep I think you're right with the intros I do kind of go on a little bit to long, and yeah the 'ums' I really need to break, thats a really hard habit to get out of though haha. Yes I did realise after I have just filmed the second video of that kingdoms and castles that the camera blocks the interface, I need to move the camera around depending on what game i'm playing.

Thanks for taking the time to check out my channel :-D

Yeah I can't quite believe i've got so many videos out either, it seems to have gone so fast! but i've been really enjoying making them.

Glad you like the audio, it took me quite a while to get it pinned down to how I want it, had lots of audio problems in my older videos.

I completely agree with the banner i'm not a fan of it either. I just need to set some time aside to learn a little how to make a better banner then have a go at making something.

Larger text should be easy enough for me to do and seems a sensible improvement :)

Thanks for you kind words, i've been pretty pleased with how everything has gone so far, hopefully my channel will continue to grow going forwards :-D

Oh my god don't do that. No one uses special characters like "&" when searching for something so your just hurting your videos.