Services Channel Re-Brand For £3

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Well-Known Member
Channel Re-Brand For £3

Hey Yttalk!

In this post i am offering you some of my finest work to re-brand your YouTube channel. In the past i did this for free but had no benefit of doing it other than making customers happy, it felt brilliant! However, now i have come to a point where multiple people request for this and its very hard to catch up on other peoples work. Furthermore, i have had made YouTube channel graphics for popular channels with 20K but i have been lied into thinking they will help to support my channel. To make sure i benefit something out of this now i'm making people pay but very cheaply. The £3 can be payed by PayPal with just re-branding your logo and channel. This money will help go towards better GFX which will then produce better content for YOU! If you don't request any GFX please comment any improvements or thoughts about my work, it'll be really helpful.
Thank you.

Here is some of my work:

Pack-Opening-Thumbnail.png Green-Theme-banner.png roons-banner.png Inside-gamer-banner2.png robs-done.png
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