Max Mears
Active Member
Hi guys! This message is on behalf of myself and my good new friend ABOODY006. We are re opening a channel with a large amount of subs and growing! we need a few other people who are around the age of 16 and 17 and have a passion for making video's. The channel will not have Ad sense so no funds will be split however the channel will be used to promote all of our channels and we will expect any participant to have a very large interest in the video's that we upload (so likes, be subscribed etc) and is more than happy to dedicate their time to make a lot of video's on this community channel. This community channel will be mainly for out group however we will use other people's video's if requested by them for small idea's that we have. A lot of planning has gone into this and I look forward to seeing anyone who wants to 'apply' however, we are not yet selecting anyone and it may take time before someone is chosen so don't expect anything straight away. Thanks for reading this guys, We wish you all luck
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