Channel Name Suggestion


Active Member

I've started a new Youtube channel and I named it "Monsieur Pixellent" The content will be about old technology, retro games, comic books and characters etc. but since I'm not a native English speaker, I don't know if the name sounds good or bad. Do you think it's good or should I change it to something else? ( You can also suggest names.)

Thanks for the help.
It's a fine name, but it may be hard for people to easily pronounce and remember. But it's good because it sticks out and is unique.

Julia and Claire
Hey Bro , I wanted to Help , Firstly go [ Yttalk -->Useful site information --> How to add your YouTube channel to every message/post ]
to add your youtube channel to all of your posts because I wanted your channel to see it
Secondly , if the channel is in english , " Monsieur " is french and not english , so better to change to "Mr.Pixellent" is good , but I want to watch a video or two maybe I find another name , I mean Pixellent maybe there are another one have the same and you should have a specific name ;)
I think it's good but kinda of long to remember, pixellent would be a great name without the word monsiur. But it's your channel so it's really up to you on what you want your channel name to be as long as your happy with it that's all that counts. Good luck with deciding a channel name, what ever you decide I'm sure it will be awesome!