Channel Name Help?

So I am starting a new gaming channel, and was trying to think of a catchy, cool name that would stick. Some ideas I have though up:
AtomicEnigma :
I have a couple of issues with this one. There is one other channel, but they only posted one vlog and haven't been active in 7 years. The other thing is, maybe Enigma may be to hard to remember/spell/define for some people. I really like the enigma idea, seems mysterious, but maybe to much so.

Maybe MentalEnigma? This carries all the issues of the previous though.

Thats actually the only idea I really liked.
I would like to try to keep "Game" or "Gaming" out of the name, in case I ever end up wanting to do a tutorial, etc, I dont want to be stereotyped.

I also want to keep any overused or popular phrases out of it, i.e. Sniper, BlankDoesBlank, you know, overly cheesy stuff that everyone will look at and go "Yeah, he stole that from SoAndSo"

Gonna keep thinking, will update if I think of something else.

Thanks for the tips!
If you're really that sold on the enigma idea, take random words and stick them in front of or behind it.

E.G: EnigmaBanks DoubleEnigma EnigmaImage TheEnigmaEffect
Yes, but would it be to hard to remember/define/spell? And also, do you have any other suggestions?
And is there something wrong with AtomicEnigma? Or are you just suggesting?
Well, those sound cool, but what is wrong with the original? I'm just wondering, why are other suggestions made without saying what was wrong with the previous one. Does it just sound cheesy?
The Enigma has been taken several times over, and the enigma curse is a little longer than I would like.