Channel Idea I Had in Mind


That "creepy" guy that makes Youtube videos.
So before I got back into gaming, I used to be a big debator in political forums and I was semi-well known for a political blog I ran from 2010 to about 2013. I did okay with it, but the problem was it stressed me so badly that I actually wound up in the hospital due to a stress-related illness in 2014 which ended my time with anything politics-related.

Now, I'm starting to get that urge again, if only because I feel like people of my ideology barely get much of a voice anymore. All I keep hearing are the yelling from these conservative talk radio pundits and it's made me wonder if I shouldn't try to make a channel that would be sort of a counter to that.

I was thinking about doing something along the lines of a podcast similar to another channel I'm on (it would be about 1-2 hours long however instead of 3) and it would be strictly politics and current events.

But I have three questions: Should I even do this? Is there a target out there for this? And, would it help or hurt my gaming channel if I do it?
It's best not to get into politics or any religion of this sort, even if you have some truth. It is not easy to convince anyone, and politics is way too sensitive.

If you really want to make a podcast about politics, use a pseudonym. Usage may affect your gaming channel.
It's best not to get into politics or any religion of this sort, even if you have some truth. It is not easy to convince anyone, and politics is way too sensitive.

If you really want to make a podcast about politics, use a pseudonym. Usage may affect your gaming channel.
I kinda thought as much.
But I have three questions: Should I even do this? Is there a target out there for this? And, would it help or hurt my gaming channel if I do it?
There's no doubt an audience for this kind of stuff. And with the U.S. elections just around the corner, you'd probably get even more attention. Are you planning to continuing doing it even after the elections are over? Or are you just going to do one-off videos whenever you feel the need? I think it will definitely affect your gaming channel, most likely negatively since all it would take is one person who doesn't agree with your views to go around and bad-mouth/dislike/troll all the rest of your content. (even if you made separate channels, someone would probably be clever enough to link the two together) But if it's something you want to do, you shouldn't let that stop you. That's just the nature of politics, having to expect backlash.
There's no doubt an audience for this kind of stuff. And with the U.S. elections just around the corner, you'd probably get even more attention. Are you planning to continuing doing it even after the elections are over? Or are you just going to do one-off videos whenever you feel the need? I think it will definitely affect your gaming channel, most likely negatively since all it would take is one person who doesn't agree with your views to go around and bad-mouth/dislike/troll all the rest of your content. (even if you made separate channels, someone would probably be clever enough to link the two together) But if it's something you want to do, you shouldn't let that stop you. That's just the nature of politics, having to expect backlash.

The bigger issue my fiancee wanted me to mention was the last time I did a political blog, it put me in the hospital from the stress I went through. And that's partially why she doesn't want me to go forward with the idea. Matter of fact, one of the two main reasons Ace of Hearts was made was to get my mind off of such things.
Sounds like reason enough to not jump back into that arena :thumbsup2:
Yeah but if there was like, just a big enough target for it, would it be worth risking the credibility of my gaming channel to pursue it, or would it be better off I stay where I'm at?

The only issue I have is I hear that people in that area from both sides of the political spectrum (AmazingAtheist to VigilantChristian) aren't exactly very fun people to hang around with RL. I'd hate to come across as that type.
Yeah but if there was like, just a big enough target for it, would it be worth risking the credibility of my gaming channel to pursue it, or would it be better off I stay where I'm at?

The only issue I have is I hear that people in that area from both sides of the political spectrum (AmazingAtheist to VigilantChristian) aren't exactly very fun people to hang around with RL. I'd hate to come across as that type.

Yeah as mentioned mixing politics & religion with anything else is probably not in the best interest. If you think you can turn off your political side at the flip of a switch and go back to being someone that's fun to hang around, it may work for you. But others may not have that ability to turn off and brush aside what you've already said should they disagree.
Don't do it. - the doubt you are showing with asking everyone else makes it clear you are not ready for it. The internet is meaner than ever, I debate a lot, with great success, but not because I want to , I just have issues with someone confidently saying something illogical and remaining silent lol. The amount of research I put into my responses can get exhausting and consuming. The only way I can lose a debate is if some moderator is a tyrant ending the debate by force / administration, otherwise once I'm on a roll, I'll rule over my opponent and the moderator if they let me lol.
I don't hear that in your post, and as much as I can get into debating, I don't think I'd enjoy a channel where everyone just comes to challenge and fight me, and everything I say is scrutinized... - and that's what will happen, when you get good enough, people will want to fight you just to see if they can win, the topic isn't relevant anymore ....they just want to fight you....and "that" can be exhausting and stressful - meaning, even if you win, you lose. you either debate for a good reason, or just smile and make others smile around you. <3