Channel help and review

- Need a new Channel Art. It should be used as a way to show the title of your brand and either; give a short channel pitch and/or schedule for your videos.
- Need to upload more consistently. Best way in your case is to currate each time you play airsoft with your crew, come up with several video ideas. Best Shots, Funny Moments, Interesting Interactions, Full Airsoft Fight, Strategies You/Your Crew Have for People Who Play Airsoft, etc. That way you have like 6 videos from one airsoft event you have and you can easily upload one video a week.
- Create more playlists that currate to your content and promote those playlists. They usually autoplay and will drive more views.

Hope that helps!
Off the top of my head:
- work on music, in some videos its too low and doesnt match content
- Videos are too long with. Make them shorter and only include interesting parts. Walking around for 10 minutes wont make viewers stay.
Good luck!