Hey man. I'm Baylze, and am happy to give you some feedback on the specific video you embedded and your channel in general.
Disclaimer: I'm not a big Call of Duty fan, so I really apologise in advance if I come across as hateful at any point, I assure you It's not intentional!!
Let's start at the top with your video; the thumbnail is perfect. I have no other words for it. You have the classical render/text formula going on, and you've established your brand on a ribbon across the top left of the thumbnail; which is way out of the way of the central piece of the thumbnail. The purple text compliments the red background (with a purple crack gradient I believe) really nicely; the text stands out, but doesn't deliver too much impact on the eye. (I looked at your first 2 videos, and WAY prefer this graphics style to the old one - so congratulations on that!).
I love videos that have a brief synopsis at the start of the video, and then the intro sequence plays. Establishing the content of your video before you establish your identity is a really effective YouTuber trick. By doing so, the audience can decide whether they're interested in the content or not, and if they do stick around after the initial introduction; they'll then engage with the video, and will see your branding that flashes in the intro graphics sequence - you execute this technique beautifully, and it transitions really strongly.
As far as commentary and delivery of your voice, I have no criticism to give; because your audio quality is crisp, there are no pops on your plosive letters, and you seem extremely confident in the video you linked above. You of course, sound like you know what you're talking about, and you clearly know your target audience as you make reference to specific types of Call of Duty players. It's evident that you're a fan of the game you're creating content about, which is obviously a really important factor for YouTubers, and can be reflected from pitch/tone in your voice. Your knowledge of the game comes across too, as you confidently reference attachments, perks (I think? Sorry!), and other in-game content accurately.
The one piece of true critique I have is the title of your video -
LASER GUN! Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare Best Class Set Up! "Best NV4 Class Set Up in IW" - I'm not sure if this is my personal preference or whether it's a universal thing, but this title is extremely long and lacks punctuation, so it reads almost as one utterance. Visually, that doesn't look very good. I think something like;
LASER GUN! Best NV4 Class Ever! | Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Set Up reads a lot better, and looks better in writing too, but that might just be my personal preference!
Your channel has an awesome vibe to it, really uplifting and positive. Best of luck to you, and your channel's continued success!