Channel banner help/brain storming ideas?


I Love YTtalk
I hate to ask this and in this way but I'm completly blank for ideas on a channel banner for my new channel called "Wolf Wraith"/"WolfWraithGames". I mean I know I want to have a wolf in it but from there I'm at a loss.

I'd ask for someone to make something but I don't have anything to offer + if I make it myself I can make it as much the way I want as possible. I'm terrible at graphic design so I need ideas that I can work with and manipulate to create something from scratch. I always come up with stuff that's way too complicated for my level of graphic design skills. My current logo was made by a viewer as well. So I guess I could incorporate that into the banner somehow?

So far all I have is:
  • a wolf needs to be in it, preferably a wolf in a wraith form or even using my current logo.
  • possibly text? Text always has me stumped as I can't make anything cool and end up with generic fonts being used. What are some good non copyrighted fonts that might suit me channel/name/me? Or any tutorials you think might suit that channel name?
  • Not even sure what to do for the background.
To give you an idea of how complex I can go with ideas I was going to use something like this: as a based for 1 of my ideas.
