Channel Advice

Hey guys! I was wondering if some of you wonderful youtuber's, could look at my channel and tell me what I'm do wrong, and what I'm doing right. Or things that could help me. Thanks!
Wouldn't you like to have better image "quality". As in, processing your videos in such a manner to make them more visually appealing?
Wouldn't you like to have better image "quality". As in, processing your videos in such a manner to make them more visually appealing?
Well, all my videos are HD. I'll have to see what you're talking about. Thanks for taking some of your time to give me advice!
All my videos are recorded with a s****y camera. But I'm trying to go around the lack of image quality with different lighting, and a fair bit of image processing. Same goes for sound.I borrowed a good mic from a friend, but it's plugged to my cellphone. Then I process it to make my awful English a little clearer.
Hey guys! I was wondering if some of you wonderful youtuber's, could look at my channel and tell me what I'm do wrong, and what I'm doing right. Or things that could help me. Thanks!

i watched it. seemed nice..i like the jump cuts, the only thing i can say needs a little bit of improvement is what the other guy mentioned and that was image quality. since it is in HD maybe you can use your editing software to make the colors pop a little bit more. make it look more professional looking. you seem to allow your personality to shine thru and that's good! keep it up and rem to share your videos on social media to try and reach people.