Changed video styles. Need opinions.

I normally only post live stream highlights on my YouTube channel. I decided to start doing something a little different. I created a “tips and tricks” parody video for Apex Legends. I think it turned out decent but it’s my first time doing this style, writing a script, and doing voice overs.
Do you think the dry humor in the script works? How is the voice over editing?
Overall thoughts on the video concept?

I thought it was a pretty funny video. The voice acting was good and sounded very authentic and believable. I really enjoyed your deadpan delivery. The only thing is that I'm not too familiar with the game so some of the inherent ridiculousness of a couple of the things you were saying sort of went over my head. A suggestion would be to exaggerate the silliness a bit more so even an out of touch guy like me could be more "in" on the joke.

I think the concept for the video is great and seems like a great way to make your channel stand out.
I've never played Apex so I have no context here (I'm a fortnite guy sorry.)

I liked the video. I laughed a few times, I think you can make some funny content.