
You can prank call people and attempt to keep the conversation going for as long as possible or try and get the recipients name.
Hi Allie Bercikk,

You could try imitating art, find a song, dance or film scene and try to do your re-enactment version against another vlogger and ask YouTubers to vote whose version is best?

Challenge to open your soul, by sharing the most depressing thing you know, the most uplifting thing you know, the most beautiful thing you've heard and the ugliest thing you've seen.

Having seen your Gamma Challenge, well lets just say thats a challenge I am not going to take up!

We have done the Laffy taffy challenge - like chubby bunny :) check it out, we have some more up ourselves which you can check out in the next month
To me, a challenge is either something you haven't done in the past or doing the same thing but better. Try to surpass yourself, you'll be pleasently surprised at what you can do, and the satisfaction that comes with it is worth 10 times the effort, in my honest opinion.
haha brilliant!! I've messaged a guy who was asking the same thing. I cant describe my challenge so I have recorded it.

The tag works perfectly now. Just put in The jazz chicken challenge. should be top of the list
<<<<<<It should look like this guy
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