Challenges suggestions?



I'm trying to brainstorm ideas for a new video I plan to film with a friend. I think it would be cool to do some sort of challenge. Has anyone heard of any new challenges going around YouTube? I'm also open to challenges that have never been done before. Any ideas would be appreciated. :)
Eat a huge bowl of steamed brussel sprouts. I never see healthy food challenges on youtube. I would watch that video.
Puh... what challenges have you already done? There are tons of challenges you could do. Please just do not do the Don't judge challenge! :)

- Whisper Challenge
- Anti-Joke Challenge (example on my channel - it's pretty wet haha)
- Say Something Challenge (it's pretty fun and random haha)
- Someone does my makeup Challenge
- Wealthy Walrus (not really a challenge but it's fun - it's an app where you have different questions such as "For $100 million, would you rather.....")

Yup those are the ones I can think of right now :) Hope I could help you out a bit!
The backwards challenge is fun. What you do is pick random everyday tasks and do them backwards and then you play the video in reverse to see if it looks like you were just doing it normally
I don't know if they sell doritos roulette in your country, but if they do, you should buy a bag of that, and then do like if you play Minecraft when you die you have to grab a chip or if you play fifa everytime you shoot etc.
I Made one Up Right Here on The Spot!:
Friend Does My Make-up Blindfolded Challenge :3 ^^
Would be Epically Funtastic!^^

Love Roux
Channel Roux Harbour:pompus:
The Smoothie Challenge (play with someone else). Get 10 awesome ingredients/food and 10 awful ones. Write the ingredients on individual pieces of paper and put them in a bowl/hat. Ask each other 10 question, every question wrong you take turns in picking an ingredient. Blend it up at the end and drink it. You can end up with something nice or very very bad.
Or you could just take it in turns taking pieces of paper out until you have 10 each. Fun challenge :D