

I've Got It
Hey guys i have asked this before but i didnt realise about this part of the website so dont hate, have you got any good orginal catchphrases for use? Or any tips on how to come up with some?
If you have any or just tips can you comment below
Whenever I speed up a part of my gaming episode due to the part I'm doing taking too long or becoming repetitive, I say, "Time to Zoom!" and the video speeds up with a "Zooming Mode" watermark on the bottom right corner :D
I usually say "Stay Awesome!" at the end of my videos. It justs something that I said one day and it stuck haha.
When i become my The Saint character in Saints Row the Third i say "THE SAINT SAYS!" so i guess that's a catch phrase
I don't really think I have a catch phrase :P. I just say what ever happens to pop in my head. I mean if you want to come up with one just don't think about it. Just be yourself and see what sticks :D.