Can't upload Channel Art


Everytime I go to my channel there is a sign that says upload your channel art. There is a gallery of artwork to choose from so I just picked on and clicked save. IT NEVER WORKS.

I'm using Firefox
I've tried IE

I don't know why it won't work.

Any thoughts.
I don't know, maybe try chrome?
I've never had a problem with uploading channel art on chrome, but I'd assume it should work on firefox too... especially since you're just choosing from one of the presets
it has to do with maybe your internet? or the The servers might be filled.. i used firefox myself.. and youtube is bugged at times :)
Maybe your file is too big? I don't really know because it is supose to tell you if there is something wrong...
I had a problem like this when I started and I fixed it by using a different browser (was using Chrome, switched to IE). Maybe try Firefox as momoiscoolish suggested. Other than that, wait it out and try again. Maybe YouTube's servers were overloaded.