Can't reply to comments?


YTtalk Mad
Someone recently posted a comment on one of my video's, and I noticed that there is no reply button. I want to stay connected with people by responding to them, but the only thing I can do to them is like their comment. Does anybody know why this happens? It doesn't happen with every person that comments.
I've had that with a few accounts, I think it's feature where you can disable replies to your comments.

Not sure, my girlfriend commented on a recent video of mine and I couldn't reply to it.
I had the exact same thing happen yesterday... I couldn't figure out any way to reply either.

Oddly enough, it said it was a "Linked Comment." Yet another thing I do not know what it is.
That person disabled replies. There is no way around it, it's something the user set.
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It is frustrating when that happens and it was a question to you. I will give a thumbs up when I respond to it. I have said in a video, that if you receive a thumbs up from me, and left me a comment, I am writing a response to the comment. Many people do see it, when I do that. I make sure to write their youtube name in my response when I do that. .
its either where they disable there comment or they have a really old account where they had a youtube account, because google + takes care of the comments and if there not signed up to google + then you can't reply, thats what someone told me before.