Can't quite figure Amazon's Reporting feature

I've only been using the affiliate links for a few weeks and I even did manage to make a few sales. What i'm curious about is how to figure out WHAT people are clicking on but not buying. There are certain days where I have huge spikes, like 200 clicks in a day but theior reporting only shows a red line on the graph for clicks and dates but nothing is clickable to go deeper.

For my tracking ID I seem to only be able to look at things that were purchased. The help says there should be a Clicks without purchase option but I can;t seem to find it anywhere?

I'm just trying to optimise my links.
the only way to do it is to use a link shortener like bitly which will record how many clicks you get but i don;t know if amazn allow you to shorten their links.. probably not. You don't get much info to look at reporting. just basic really. You can get fees/sales with no clicks for that day for returning visitors as well that were remember from days back