Can't find this font that I have seen on vid thumbnails?


I've Got It
Hey guys,
So I just want to advise, there isn't much information to go on here xD

Basically, I saw this font multiple times and now I can't find it. I saw it mostly on vlog videos I think, not sure because it was a while ago. It looked like a long thin font that look sort of in the middle of neat and scrible type. Like I said, not much information to go on, but I liked this particular font, and now I can't find it.

I would also love some suggestions and fonts you use if you have a spare minute. Thanks
Something like remachine script?
or Lobster 1.4?
Those are the neat handwritten fonts that i like to use but im not sure
Something like remachine script?
or Lobster 1.4?
Those are the neat handwritten fonts that i like to use but im not sure
Thanks for the quick reply! Wasn't expecting them so quick xD Those fonts are a little to small, as the font I'm looking for is tall and thin. I love the fonts you mentioned, they look pretty good.
Could you show me a screenshot?
Unfortunately I cannot find the exact thumbnail I saw it on, the closest I could find was this:
Hmm there is one that is a little close to that, it's called lazy sunday regular :)