Cannot delete video


There is a video I want to delete from the Liked list in my library. Only directions I've gotten is put it on my Watch Later list and I can delete it from there. No luck. I went to the video, clicked on Watch Later in the box, but nothing happened. I hit enter, no response. How do I get rid of this video? Thanks....
Is this a video that you created, or one that someone else has created? If someone else has created it and you want to remove the video from your "Liked" Playlist, then click on the video and click on the blue "thumbs up" to unlike the video (not to be confused with a "dislike," which is the thumbs-down button...). Then the video shouldn't appear on your Liked list anymore. :)
Thanks so much, Katy! Who would have thought I would have to "like" something in order to get rid of it? Now I know what will work....:)
I think it's technically removing a previous "like" that had been there (the thumbs up symbol should go from blue to grey), but I think it should remove it from the playlist once the video is un-liked. :)