Can retailers use my content to advertise without permission?


New Member
Basically what the title says. I have a video uploaded to my YT account demonstrating the data provided by a lap timer I purchased for racing. The video includes me in it. I've seen a still from the video on several retailers websites in the product info. I.E. they are using the image to promote sales.

The video (mine) is all my ORIGINAL content. Just want opinions on whether this is worth seeking a lawyer for and if so, what sort of specialty should I look for? Online copyright?
You are well within your rights to send the retailer and whoever is hosting their content a DMCA takedown notice. No lawyer needed.
They can't use a video you created (or a still from that video) to promote their product. The only way this would remotely be a plausible case for them to use it is if you recorded the video on a track or another space that the retailer owned.

I would definitely get in contact with them and request some compensation due to the fact they are using it to promote sales
Many retailers, distributors and even the manufacturers themselves use my videos - some of them do it the right way by embedding the videos on websites/pages (and asking for permission), but others re-upload my videos (without asking for my consent or permission). Before, I was angry at this and even issued copyright strikes, but since I got ContentID, I simply claim the videos. It's a win-win situation for me and them. They have videos on their channels related to the products they sell and I receive revenue from this.